Architecture and photography provide a great opportunity to express our way of seeing the world. Since the basic forms, shapes and materials what we can work with are limited I think the great opportunities of creating something new are hiding all around us. You have to change the way of seeing, change your perspective, try to forget everything what you know and try to look with the eyes of a child. You might end up discovering the most unbelievable thing in an everyday subject.
It was not difficult to see the Calle Cuenca project with an open mind, since this was the first time when I had the chance to follow up a CLT construction work. It would have been difficult to discuss the river of questions what I had on the way, but one and most likely the main difference is worth to mentioned. Working with a natural material paints a totally different picture in a building site. On the top of the quiet(er), clean(er) and fast(er) progress I still remember when I walked along the street after a rainy day and the fresh wooden smell was unbelievable, like a little forest in the city.
In my pictures I try to pay attention to materials, their relation to each other, the contrast with its surroundings, how it behaves in different lighting situations. My goal is to simplify the theme, finding a composition which only shows what meant to be shown and leads the eye through the picture.
Este artículo ha sido escrito con carácter divulgativo. Si te apetece compartirlo en cualquier otro medio, estaremos encantados de que lo hagas siempre y cuando cites el lugar donde lo has encontrado.
Tu comentario pudiera ser moderado. Desde Bonsai Arquitectos nos reservamos el derecho tanto de editarlo (si fuera necesario, para hacerlo más legible) como de eliminarlo en el caso de que se usen expresiones incorrectas (descalificaciones, palabras malsonantes…). A su vez, si quieres comentar desde el anonimato puedes hacerlo, aunque te agradeceremos que muestres tu verdadera identidad.